965 73 13 74 - Plaça de l'Ajuntament, 3, 03729 Senija, Alicante administracio@senija.es



  • Oil
  • 200 gr. of tuna
  • 1 eggplant
  • 1 onion
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 green pepper
  • Salt
  • 4 tomatoes
  • We will proceed to remove the leaves and outer layers of the onion, washing it and drying it, later, before placing it on the oven plate.
  • We will remove the green part of the eggplant, to rinse it in water and dry it, before placing it on the oven plate.
  • We will remove the nipples and then the peppers, to wash and dry them, later, before placing them on the oven plate.
  • Lips and we will place, dry the tomatoes on the oven plate.
  • Placed all these vegetables on the plate of the oven, and we will take the opportunity to squirt them with oil and a pinch of salt. The oven will be previously heated, from another previous roast, for example, or from another dish that we have prepared in it. However, we will place the plate inside this oven at about 130 to 150 ° C, at most, to prevent it from burning and not roasting.
  • When we observe that the skin of the peppers jumps in blisters, we can understand that this roast is finished.
  • Once the roast is finished, we will proceed to remove this plate from the oven, and remove the skin from the peppers and eggplant, as well as remove the outer part of the onion or the aforementioned ingredients that have been burned.
  • We will make strips with the meat of the peppers and tacos with the meat of the rest of the ingredients, which will all be deposited in a salad bowl that we only have to throw the pickled tuna, its oil, plus the olive oil and salt, to our particular taste